• E-894 & 895, D.S.I.D.C. Industrial Area, Narela,
  • Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Sun 08:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • E-894 & 895, D.S.I.D.C. Industrial Area, Narela,

Difference between HT Aerial Bunch Cables Vs. LT Aerial Bunch Cables

Difference between HT Aerial Bunch Cables Vs. LT Aerial Bunch Cables

Aerial Bunch Cables is an excellent idea derived to provide electricity or power through a procedure of overhead power distribution. These cables are used in cities where aerial power supply is prefered. These cables are better than bare conductor overhead distribution system which isn't safe and reliable. Aerial Bunch Cables or simply ABC provides a safer way to distribute an overhead supply of electricity/ Power.

ABC or Aerial Bunch Cables are placed mostly in the densely populated cities. The reason behind this is simple, underground cables are difficult to set up in densely populated cities because of the complex structure and layout of the cities: narrow roads and drainage system. These two structure complexities actually hinder the process of laying out underground cables. The most effective, efficient, and feasible way to set up the power distribution system is to use ABC for overhead power distribution.
Aerial Bunch Cables are highly effective as they supply power while lowering power loss. These cables are cost efficient too.

There are two bifurcations in Aerial Bunch Wires:
1) HT Aerial Bunch Cables
2) LT Aerial Bunch Cables

Introduction of these cables was done to ensure a solution to Insulated Power Cable system and bare overhead conductor.

HT Aerial Bunch Cables are meant for high power and LT Aerial Bunch Cables are meant for low power distribution. They have induced conductors which in normal cases are applied externally. This helps to cut the cost of applying it and hence saves a lot of money and human resource.

There are many advantages of ABC or Aerial Bunch Cables:
*It is very easy to install as compared to its substitutes.
*Lot of resources are saved; eg. Insulators, cross arms etc.
*Safe from corrosion; Durable.
* It is a safe and reliable system.